Tuesday, August 31, 2010

disney ads

These Disney ads ran a while back, but I recently came across one in an old magazine and thought i would share the whole bunch.  i love how they used modern stars in the classic prince and princess roles; Disney does a good job of updating their advertisements.  My favorite by far is Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella.  Seeing these posters makes me want to move to Florida and work at Disney World as a Disney princess myself.  i'm actually hoping the college i go to offers internships there over the summer!

i'm in love

Dooney and Bourke has a new princess collection that i'm in love with.  as you can see, they have pictures of the princesses and castles in colors that pop.  i would kill for one of the bags.  unfortunately, the price tag is higher than im willing to pay, so for now, i'll just dream. 

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

marathon champ

hannah is training for a marathon with her friend alex, so i thought it would be cool to capture her in her game day outfit.  by the way, a marathon is 26.2 miles; this is the distance a Greek messenger could run in 400 BC before he dropped dead.  sounds like fun, right?  I personally think she's insane, and so does alex's sister, sam, who is pictured in earlier posts.  aside from that, though, its a really cool race that they've been working hard for all summer.  it will be a huge accomplishment when they finish it on September 12 in Rochester, New York.  the two of them have focused on training and nutrition extensively, but they've in no way neglected style.  both have purchased race day outfits and both have a variety of new training gear that have served them well.  i'll be sure to add pictures of their actual race too!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

could you look any more preppy?

i finally got hannah to pose again, mostly because she owed me a huge favor.  at the annual church yard sale, she found a horribly ugly cabinet that she wanted in her dorm room for, get this, $2.50.  she'd kill me if she heard me call it ugly too.  since we live on main street, and the sale is on main street about five blocks away, and since this lovely cabinet just happened to have wheels (classy), we decided to wheel it home.  not a good idea.  we had to bend over the cabinet and push it all the way home, and we had to lift it over every crack because she didn't want to break the wheels ("i want to be able to wheel it around the hallways!"), and we had to endure the mocking stares we got from every single car that drove by.  anyway, she owed me.  so i went into her closet and picked out these beautiful white pants from gap that she scored for less than $15 on one trip to the mall.  then i picked out this really cool flannel grungey shirt that would contrast with them and a scarf that would contrast with the shirt, to take away from the crispness of the pants.  but hannah refused to wear it because it "didn't match."  she picked out the ralph lauren oxford shirt and the aldo flats and the belt.  even though i probably wouldn't wear something so obviously preppy, the look really suits hannah and embodies her style.  she even told me as she was adding her watch and ray-bans that if she could wear an outfit like this every day, she would.  i threw on the necklace because i love how long it is and i love the eiffel tower on it.  its from american eagle several years ago.  the earrings are from an art show we have annually on our main street: they're real pressed flowers.  i also had to limit the number of silly bandz hannah wore for the pictures, because shes a big fan of having at least 20 on at once and eagerly taking them off when someone asks what shapes she has.  to be honest, though, i'm jealous of the number she has!  i also really want the disney princess silly bandz, but i don't particularly want to waste my money on them.  anyway, i love hannahs outfit and it completely suits her.  the dinosaur that makes a guest appearence in some of the pictures is a really cool tradition she has with her friends; they each have an animal and they take pictures with it in all of the cool places they go while in college.  the cargo jacket in the last set of pictures goes perfectly with the outfit because the distressed military feel tones down the white pants and oxford shirt even more.  its from american eagle and is the perfect length and weight for fall, especially since the style is everywhere right now.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

times square

Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, taken on V-J Day, 1945 (from Life Magazine).

I love this picture and want a poster of it!  it doesn't really have anything to do with style, but its definately worth a post.