Thursday, August 26, 2010

marathon champ

hannah is training for a marathon with her friend alex, so i thought it would be cool to capture her in her game day outfit.  by the way, a marathon is 26.2 miles; this is the distance a Greek messenger could run in 400 BC before he dropped dead.  sounds like fun, right?  I personally think she's insane, and so does alex's sister, sam, who is pictured in earlier posts.  aside from that, though, its a really cool race that they've been working hard for all summer.  it will be a huge accomplishment when they finish it on September 12 in Rochester, New York.  the two of them have focused on training and nutrition extensively, but they've in no way neglected style.  both have purchased race day outfits and both have a variety of new training gear that have served them well.  i'll be sure to add pictures of their actual race too!

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