Saturday, September 4, 2010

heart shirt

This is Taylor, or tay way, as i affectionately call her.  a couple of nights ago, our school soccer team had a team-bonding sleepover, and she, sam, and lauren (it was her house) decided to start the festivities early by letting me take pictures.  finally, people actually wanted to dress up and pose.  at practice that morning, i told tay to bring a couple of outfits so i could mix and match and put something together with her.  she was the last to arrive at lauren's, and she walks in with a suitcase.  not a soft, small one that people normally bring to sleepovers, but a hard cover one on wheels, filled completely with the contents of her entire closet.  i love her.  she has seriously amazing new school clothes, so i made her wear four different outfits, and those will be posted in the very near future.  in these pictures she is wearing a shirt from a store called Francescas at the mall and forever 21 white jeans.  i am obsessed with white jeans.  they match with everything and the skinny kind looks good with everything too.  if i could, i would wear mine every day.  no jewelry or shoes; they didn't fit in the suitcase.  oh, and the awkward picture at the end?  i had to put that in there, mostly because tay way told me not to.

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