Thursday, July 8, 2010

how about an introduction?

i'm celia, a seventeen year old living in the small town of canandaigua, new york.  i love all things princess, from my favorite movie (aladdin) to my favorite past time (coloring in my giant disney princess coloring book).  well, my second favorite past time.  my first favorite is spending hours in my unfortunately small closet, putting together outfits that i love and that no one will ever see.  so i'm changing that.  this is a selfish blog, created merely to document my efforts and relax from my challenging ib schedule and overwhelming college applications.  i'll take pictures of my friends and my sister, anyone who is willing to spare some time and wear something that i've picked out.  who knows, i might even put some pictures of myself up.  i have no idea where this is going, but heres to trying! my goal?  to move outside the display windows of hollister and abercrombie and to choose clothing that mixes both vintage and modern influences.  i love taking pictures and i love dressing up, so this should be fun ♥

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