Friday, July 30, 2010

friday friday friday

My first post!  Technically, if you don't count the introduction.  I've been trying all summer to get my sister to pose for me, but somehow she always seems to find an excuse not to.  Finally today I gave up on her and realized her reliability factor was below a zero, so my mom offered to come outside with me and take some pictures.  I'm pretty sure she loved it, because normally my sister and I either avoid the camera or ruin the pictures with our funny expressions, which my mom doesn't seem to find as funny as we do.  Anyway, the dress is an eight dollar find from goodwill, which i did manage to drag my sister into.  She was skeptical at first about buying clothes that had already been worn, but when she walked in and realized she could buy a pair of BCBG shorts for four dollars, she was sold.  Although she still maintains that it wasn't about the label, but about the fit.  After seeing this dress, one of my thrift store skeptical friends promised she'd go thrifting with me as well, which i consider a great accomplishment.  Anyway, the jacket is a find from last year's annual Victoria's Secret sale.  The trimming is off white, which is really difficult to match, so i was very excited the dress was the same color.  I'm also wearing the watch my sister got me for Christmas last year, which i got fitted and wear every day.  It is so much cooler to check a real watch than to constantly check a cell phone for the time.  The other bracelet is my Pandora charm one, which i got as a gift from my aunt for a birthday one year.  Collecting charms has been fun, and somehow without meaning to my bracelet has turned into a mini zoo.  Personally I think the animal charms are the most charasmatic anyway.  My last bracelet is my Disney princess one, which i snagged on our last trip to disney world in February.  I am in LOVE with the princesses, and I make it a point to never take this bracelet off.  I think its the perfect way to show my interests in an everyday setting, and i don't even mind that my three year old cousin has the exact same one.  Thanks for your time! ♥ celia


  1. Hi Celia. I LOVE your fashion tips. Where did you get that terrific wolf shirt? It's like from the Hangover! LOL love that movie.


