Saturday, August 14, 2010

old and new

the blouse was my great grandmothers that i found in my attic on one of my regular trips up there.  i love that i can find such old and amazing things in my house-seriously if you have an attic, look for clothes up there.  more likely than not, you'll find something old and amazing.  i'm wearing it with my trusty leather skirt, which is high-waisted and from urban outfitters.  the hat is from disney world, and i'm proud to say i wore it every day we were there last year.  the rings are from my mom's jewelry box, and are all my grandmas that she passed down to my mom.  we happen to have the same size fingers, so i love to wear the rings-not only are they antique and unique, they have real sentimental value. the earrings are from macys, i wore them to my prom but i love wearing them with casual outfits too.

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